Nar-Anon Family Groups
A 12-Step Program for Family & Friends of Addicts
Nar-Anon Family Groups World Services
Literature Committee
Duties and Responsibilities ©
The purpose of the World Service Literature Committee is to compile, review, and edit literature to be presented to the fellowship for approval. This includes recovery, service, and outreach literature, or other literature developed at the suggestion of the fellowship. The committee is responsible for ensuring that all literature conveys the Nar-Anon message in accordance with the steps, traditions, concepts, policies, and guidelines; is correctly presented with regard to grammar, spelling, and format; and does not contain plagiarism in any form. The committee is also responsible for updating existing literature affected by conference approved changes where similar wording is used.
Qualifications for Membership ©
In addition to the general requirements for serving on a world service committee, members should be familiar with the steps, traditions, and concepts; have experience reviewing and editing literature with regard to grammar, spelling, punctuation, and writing; and be proficient in the use of current technology.
Contact the Literature Committee: