Nar-Anon Family Groups
A 12-Step Program for Family & Friends of Addicts

You will find love, understanding, and hope in the Nar-Anon Family Group. People in the group may be experiencing, in varying degrees, the same hurt, anger, and anxieties you may be feeling. We find people in Nar-Anon who understand what we are going through and are ready to share their experience, strength, and hope to help us. Below are the ways to find, submit, and edit Nar-Anon groups.

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You can find Nar-Anon and Narateen meetings by using our global group search. Please call WSO if you have questions before attending a meeting.

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If there's no existing group around you and you'd like to start one, read the Starting a Group page, then submit your new group by clicking below.


If you'd like to make any change to an existing group; such as changing times, locations, holiday closures, service members, or disbanding the group.