Nar-Anon Family Groups
A 12-Step Program for Family & Friends of Addicts


The Nar-Anon World Service Office would like to provide a page for every country that has Nar-Anon groups, but we cannot do this alone. We need help from Nar-Anon members in each country to provide the appropriate page. If you would like to see a page for your country, here is what we suggest you do:

  1. Start with one of the existing pages under the International menu in the World Service website. Contact the WSO at if you would like to receive an English version as a Word document.

  2. Working with others in your country, translate it to one or more of the prominent languages in your country. This may use the same language as one of the existing pages; however, there may be subtleties (for example, spelling or vocabulary) that would be more natural if they were corrected. Even if you make no changes from the original, we still want a submission for each country. Some of the text on this page is taken from Conference Approved Literature, which may already be translated and approved for your country, so that would be a good source for parts of the translation.

  3. The resulting page should faithfully represent all of the text from the main part of the original page, with the same meaning and connotation, and nothing added or removed. We wish all of the International pages to represent the same information.

  4. At the bottom of the page, there is country-specific information. Usually, this is either a link to the country’s own website, or a link to the find-a-meeting page on the World Service website with search settings to provide a list of meetings for the country. (The WSO may be able to provide the link.) This is not a place to list individual meetings or events because we do not want to make frequent changes to this page, but a link to another page or website where those meetings and events are kept up-to-date, possibly along with other local Nar-Anon information, preferably in the same language.

  5. Ask a national/regional Nar-Anon service committee, assembly, or board to review and approve your proposed page, and make changes as needed.

  6. In addition to translating the page, if the language is not English, please translate the phrase “A 12-Step Program for Families & Friends of Addicts”. This will appear as the description of the page in search results.

  7. Submit the translated page to the WSO by emailing it to: In this email, please also include:

    • the country represented by the page,

    • the language used,

    • contact persons,

    • what national/regional service body approved the page, and

    • a translation of “A 12-Step Program for Families & Friends of Addicts”.